Namibia Imports 1960-2024

Imports of goods and services represent the value of all goods and other market services received from the rest of the world. They include the value of merchandise, freight, insurance, transport, travel, royalties, license fees, and other services, such as communication, construction, financial, information, business, personal, and government services. They exclude compensation of employees and investment income (formerly called factor services) and transfer payments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.
  • Namibia imports for 2022 was $7.11B, a 13.88% increase from 2021.
  • Namibia imports for 2021 was $6.24B, a 36.36% increase from 2020.
  • Namibia imports for 2020 was $4.58B, a 21.52% decline from 2019.
  • Namibia imports for 2019 was $5.83B, a 6.99% decline from 2018.
Data Source: World Bank

MLA Citation:
Similar Country Ranking
Country Name Billions of US $
China $3,137.59B
Mexico $666.54B
Turkey $386.30B
Brazil $370.47B
Russia $349.17B
Thailand $337.37B
Malaysia $283.75B
Romania $149.88B
South Africa $127.75B
Iran $102.47B
Colombia $95.47B
Peru $70.59B
Bulgaria $62.33B
Kazakhstan $59.38B
Serbia $47.55B
Algeria $46.23B
Belarus $42.13B
Dominican Republic $36.52B
Guatemala $33.87B
Ecuador $32.81B
Costa Rica $27.07B
Azerbaijan $21.27B
Paraguay $16.43B
Bosnia $15.18B
North Macedonia $13.01B
Armenia $9.95B
Albania $9.03B
Botswana $8.55B
Mauritius $8.13B
Namibia $7.11B
Montenegro $4.63B
Equatorial Guinea $4.30B
Gabon $3.50B
Fiji $3.45B
Belize $1.57B
American Samoa $0.68B
Samoa $0.44B
Marshall Islands $0.19B
Nauru $0.17B
Maldives $0.00B
Turkmenistan $0.00B
Guyana $0.00B
St. Lucia $0.00B
Dominica $0.00B
Libya $0.00B
Suriname $0.00B
Cuba $0.00B
Grenada $0.00B
Lebanon $0.00B
Venezuela $0.00B
St. Vincent and the Grenadines $0.00B
Jordan $0.00B
Tuvalu $0.00B
Jamaica $0.00B
Iraq $0.00B
Tonga $0.00B
Namibia Imports - Historical Data
Year Billions of US $ % of GDP
2022 $7.11B 55.03%
2021 $6.24B 50.15%
2020 $4.58B 43.25%
2019 $5.83B 46.50%
2018 $6.27B 45.83%
2017 $6.14B 47.60%
2016 $6.32B 58.96%
2015 $7.01B 61.87%
2014 $7.97B 64.06%
2013 $7.25B 60.22%
2012 $7.85B 60.16%
2011 $7.09B 56.65%
2010 $6.83B 59.79%
2009 $6.45B 72.20%
2008 $5.68B 65.99%
2007 $4.87B 55.12%
2006 $3.32B 41.47%
2005 $2.92B 40.27%
2004 $2.78B 42.06%
2003 $2.59B 52.52%
2002 $1.62B 48.25%
2001 $1.69B 47.53%
2000 $1.74B 44.40%
1999 $1.92B 49.67%
1998 $1.97B 50.76%
1997 $2.09B 50.20%
1996 $2.04B 51.14%
1995 $1.94B 48.87%
1994 $1.66B 45.39%
1993 $1.61B 49.49%
1992 $1.68B 48.96%
1991 $1.49B 49.87%
1990 $1.40B 50.20%
1989 $1.18B 46.51%
1988 $1.12B 44.75%
1987 $1.18B 51.38%
1986 $0.84B 46.19%
1985 $0.65B 40.12%
1984 $1.01B 51.54%
1983 $1.21B 52.65%
1982 $1.29B 60.93%
1981 $1.53B 67.79%
1980 $1.36B 56.27%
1979 $0.00B 0.00%
1978 $0.00B 0.00%
1977 $0.00B 0.00%
1976 $0.00B 0.00%
1975 $0.00B 0.00%
1974 $0.00B 0.00%
1973 $0.00B 0.00%
1972 $0.00B 0.00%
1971 $0.00B 0.00%
1970 $0.00B 0.00%
1969 $0.00B 0.00%
1968 $0.00B 0.00%
1967 $0.00B 0.00%
1966 $0.00B 0.00%
1965 $0.00B 0.00%
1964 $0.00B 0.00%
1963 $0.00B 0.00%
1962 $0.00B 0.00%
1961 $0.00B 0.00%
1960 $0.00B 0.00%